Let me explain...no, there is too much. Let me sum up.
You know, for the longest time, I looked forward to all the time I would have during my summer 'off' from MABA. I am only going to work 40 hours a week! I am NOT going to pick up extra shifts! I am going to relax! Lay by the pool!
Ahhh, the best laid plans...In reality, I have been working overtime...again..., have not relaxed - if fact, I have had to resort to mass quantities of coffee to keep myself on the rails. As it were. And marathon training has been spotty at best. Which is not the best way to prepare oneself for 26.2 miles.
My brother and Alli are now safely ensconced in their new Park Ave. abode, and my cousin gets married this weekend, so that is two of the summer's BIG EVENTS in one week. It never fails to amaze me how much we New Englanders can cram into the woefully short summer we are afforded.
The thesis putters on. Well, actually, to be completely honest, I think it has pulled over to a rest stop. I'm stuck in a couple procedural points which are proving stickier than I had anticipated. The thing is, when I iron out the theory, the actual practice should be fairly easy. I am having to put the cart before the horse. If I actually successfully defend this thing next year, the drinks are on me.
Also, I have been spending a lot of time rereading Harry Potter. I am so sad! I can't accept it is the last one. My mom gave me the first book when I left for Ireland (the 2nd time). I read it on the plane to Dublin, then when I landed, immediately went out and bought the second at...Eason on O'Connell St., and read it in the hostel. I took the bus over to Galway and bought book 3, but then I had to wait for about 8 months for book 4, which was brutal. I bought it in a Wednesday, I remember, because I had the day off, and I spent the whole day in my flat, reading it. Books 2 - 4 are cool, because I have the Bloomsbury editions. I bought the black and white 'grown-up' cover of book 2, which I especially love. Book 5 came out when I was in DC - I walked up to Union Station and got it at B. Dalton. Book 6 I bought in Maine when I was living there, and book 7 was bought at 1 am in Framingham, MA. These books were such landmarks on my 20's. Maybe that's why I'm having a hard time with the END.
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