Tuesday, September 21, 2004


So I am supposed to be using my time wisely this fine afternoon (ie doing my reading for class tonight, finding more special ed. schools at which I might have a chance of becoming employed, doing my reading for class tonight, walking downtown to see if any purveyors of fine liquors might require my assistance, doing my reading for class tonight, or, at the very freaking least, washing the dishes from dinner last night), but I seem to be otherwise occupied.

"With what?", the astute reader might ask...

And I'm glad you did. More procrastination to ensue.

I have become totally addicted to the Clan of the Cave Bear series. I know, I know, bad Cro-Magnon smut, but I find myself at the end of the fifth book wondering how Ayla is going to deal with her new family responsibilities, and when Jondalar is going to grow a spine already. Lindsay made me rescue the first three books from the horrid book-trashing that caps off Carpe Librum, for which I (and my Philosophy of Education grade) am grateful.

Also, as the novelty of actually having DSL! in my own home! has not yet worn off, I find myself greatly occupied with surfing the web. (Incidentally, do people still use that phrase? "Surfing the Web" always looks a little early '90's to me. As does "phat". Some guy on his way to the gym referred to the dog as "phat" the other day, and I got a little offended, thinking, the dog really doesn't have weight to lose, assmunch. Luckily, I didn't open my mouth before realizing that this individual was still packing his mid-90's thesaurus of rad expressions. He was also wearing way too much gold jewelry for the gym. heh.)

I am a faithful reader of Miss Alli's recaps of the BEST SHOW EVER, The Amazing Race on Television Without Pity, one of the BEST SITES EVER. And, I have been sucked into the vortex of the various blogs that serve as accoutrement thereof, namely Tomato Nation and Frolic and Detour. Add in the Dirt Dogs, and your friendly hometown newspaper, and you've pretty satisfactorily accounted for a couple hours, there.

And now I have to go read four chapters before 6. Good luck, me.


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