Friday, October 08, 2004

Excuse me...exercise hurts.

Never were truer words spoken. So I have decided to start running again. It has cooled off enough to actually exercise outside, and the pseudo-fall air is occasionally pleasant. Yesterday afternoon, I got off my bum and started this whole getting in shape thing by running around Lake Eola. Bwahahaha! Keep in mind this lake is already about half a mile from the apartment. No problem, I think, I can run laps around this lake!

Yeeeah, not so much. Halfway around, I was doing this odd sort of walk/trot thing (yes, I am aware of the unflattering horse imagery, but it was a pretty unflattering moment), trying to suck as many oxygen molecules into my lungs as possible. And then...this not-so-fit girl who had me by about 100 pounds SPRINTS by me, her hair flying in the breeze, her shiny new running shoes a blur. Ok, she didn't actually sprint, but she definitely passed me. I gave up. The lake had beaten me. I walked home, and it felt damn good.

Conclusions? Well, Lake Eola and me, round 2, 5 pm today. I need new running shoes. Dana told me earlier this year that they don't actually MAKE that kind of running shoe anymore. Kind of tells you how much running I have been doing in the last...8 years. Also? I see people with these little radio-thingys strapped to their arms. Now that I think about it, they aren't really radios, are they? They are some sort of newer, better, more MODERN device for listening to music. Like an MP3 player. Heh. I'm a dork. Long live the 8-track. At any rate, I need one of those. Maybe the right kind of music could help me. Like...the Boss. Baby, I was born to run!

Secondly, what is up with Elizabeth? Pining away in Mtigwaki over Warren? She so clearly needs to be with Anthony.


At 11:18 AM, Blogger SCG said...

So this one time I was home for Christmas vacation and I decided to hike the mountain in the snow with my sister. Good idea at the time. Upon reaching the top I stopped said to myself I feel good and then reeched all over the clean mountain snow. Cut to Shawn Grindle running down snow coverd traisl behind his house. A title appears on the screen "a few years later." Shawn is running on a quest to get back into the shape of the young 17 year old shawn. After his mile of so and i say or so to make you think that i actually ran over a mile but in reality the or so mean i ran under a mile...or so. So after running the mile or so Shawn says hey I feel good...cut to shawn then holding onto the already falling over mailbox (with the new numbers 222 insted of the 361 that fucking should be there) and he is puking again. Moral of this rant.....working out is a sham.


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