Thursday, February 03, 2005

Let's call this a week, shall we?

Thank god almighty tomorrow is Friday. For some reason, school has been getting to me this week. I was just a smidgen away from losing it in the special ed room today. I just had one of those feelings around 1:15 - you know, like I have to remove myself from this situation right-the-fuck-now-before-I-hurt-someone. I went to the teacher's room and made myself a cup of green tea. I actually counted to ten on the way back to the room. Then I stood outside the room with my tea and counted to ten again.

After that, the afternooon went much more smoothly. I am so much looking forward to the weekend. I think my honeymoon period with the whole employment thing is over. A good friends once said, "Unemployment is dangerous for your mental health." And he was right. Don't get me wrong, I am SOOO glad that my life is making sense to me again, but man. This week, employment was dangerous to my mental health. And my blood/alcohol level.

And by the way. I have also discovered this week that I lost my multiplication tables somewhere along the last fifteen years. Seriously. Can anyone else say their times tables? From memory? Quick, what's 6 x 8? 8 x 7? 12 x 11?


At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

48, 56, uh, (no way was 12x11 in HGS multipication tables)

At 9:36 AM, Blogger SCG said...

Dude Mrs. Cuskelly made me learn that shit but I guess it never really did sink in after three trys at Math 120 here at QU maybe I should have paid more attention to her insted of Jessica Norton......


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