Even though we have February vacation next week, I was more than ready for a snow day. Yesterday was very trying, and I have been coming down with this sick yuck grossness that everyone in my extended family has been dealing with over the past couple weeks. Sore throat, fever, etc. Ugh.
But more about yesterday. It was one of those PMS days, only I'm not PMSing. Murphy's law was in full effect. There was a moderate crisis with kids at school, which was equally interesting and frustrating, because unlike other crisis situations I've been in, it didn't involve anything physical - it was all emotional, which, I've found, I have no idea how to deal with. By the end of the day, I'd muddled my way though it, but I still feel that I could've handled it a lot better. So then I drove to Bangor for a doctor's appointment - which sucked. I was this guy's last appointment of the day, and it was crystal clear that he just wanted to get out of there. I had to keep asking him questions just to keep him in the room. I counted three separate times when he moved to the door and actually had his hand on the knob before I was done talking. Ridiculous. I had just skipped my after-school tutoring, driven an hour to see him and he couldn't give me the time of day. And, as it turns out, he was out-of-network. Dick.
So then I try to go to the bank (in Maine, the only Bank of America is in Bangor), and they closed at 4. So now I have no money. Well, I have the money, but not in a liquid form, which really does me no good, as MBNA doesn't accept payroll checks. So I'm pissed. And late on my Visa payment.
At this point, I was probably starting to get this fever and didn't know it, because on the drive home, I decompressed a little and started thinking about how I should just go to Dennehy's for a pint. How nice it would be to just go there and relax in the little cozy corner, sink into the blue cushioned seats and just people watch. It would be warm, and I would have a nice pint of Guinness, and I could just stay there for a few hours and just be and not worry about the emotionally disturbed or snotty doctors or my impending cold. After a few miles of this planning(all quite in earnest), I realized that in fact, Dennehy's was in Cork, and my only options for a drink (none of them relaxing) were a Chinese restaurant, a dirty redneck bar or a pool hall. I ended up choosing the Chinese place, where they took pity on me and dusted off the Jameson's bottle.
Today is better, but I still want my pint at Dennehy's. It's been too long.
And Austin was booted off
Project Runway! Shocking! I'm so addicted to this show...